Speaks the truth backed by facts. Zero f**ks given!

Michael Sayre, Northern California

Straight edge guy! Glad got to know him!! Told him them goons wouldn’t mess with him walking with me at nationals! LOL

Tyler Brooks, Iowa

Inspiring, passionate, strong, intelligent, no nonsense, doesn’t take sh*t from anyone! You the man 👍🏻 Long Live The CHAZ !!!!

Paul Cilluffo, Central California

Kind of a space cadet, but smart. Knows how to get views and reactions. Entertaining in that “WWE” sort of way. I like him!

Brandon Clapperton, New York

Sweet/Asshole… but more sweet and funny ass guy!

Bejaye Smith, Northern California

Says things that others think, or are too afraid of the consequences to say.

Dwayne Cossey, California

Good guy. Asks the tough questions. Kind of like a Stephen A. Smith personality.

Zachary D. Stultz, Florida

The Deacon of Dirt!

Bryan Krautheim, Pennsylvania

Honestly, at first I didn’t understand why, but after listening to you for awhile, you have a heart for dirt racing and NASCAR can kiss your d**k! You’re the real deal! Enjoy talking to you hope to meet you!

Jerrod Crumrine, Oklahoma

People who race on Sunday are there for a reason, they are GOOD. Your page is a joke.

Kyle Larson, Northern California

Dirt Track Messiah!

Joe Linebarier, New York

Good dude who brings points that need made to the table. Can take things to the extreme, but its needed in today’s world. Glad to have met ya and talked to ya.

Matt Trace, Pennsylvania

The gospel! The man that truly knows the fight we fight to do the sport we love! The man that recognizes those of us sprint car drivers that have real talent, but suffer from the corporate and store bought teams! Thank you Chaz for all you do!

Patrick Prescott, Oklahoma

You have opinions and share them emphatically. Even when they’re wrong. I can respect that. Also, you LOVE the sport of Sprint Car Racing. That makes you a friend to me even if we disagree about the Larson’s and Bell’s.

Jonathan Spangler, Ohio

Absolutely nuts and absolutely not wrong. Keep it going Chaz

Michael Lange, Southern California

A ballsy guy who isn’t scared to tell it how he sees it.

Jeremiah Jensen, Wyoming

Transparent. Genuine. Good sense of humor. 👊🏼👍🏼

R.C. Smith, Northern California

Opinionated, passionate, and surely a champion of the dirt track community!

Blake Cook, Washington

You speak what’s on your mind…And Larson’s wife will out shotgun you! Lol

Matthew McKay, Pennsylvania

You tell like it is , and you can care less what people say or think about you..

Anthony Filipich, Texas


Greg N Bosworth, Pennsylvania

A misconception that you have not paid your dues…WRONG!..I admire your persistence and vast background in the realm…You are a PRO-moter.

Donald Fossum, Nevada

The damn bend you do on your hats….

Kyle Stewart, Pennsylvania

Trouble maker…

Jerry Root, Pennsylvania

Someone who always tells it the way it is. I RESPECT THAT

Connor Wentrick, New York

 I think you make a lot of valid points mixed in with some BS, but very entertaining and I always enjoy listening to what you have to say.

Dave Brouse Jr., Pennsylvania


One of the things Chaz is known for, is his weight-loss transformation, losing over 200 pounds (420 to 200). Healthy choices in food and drink was a big part of this transition, and the understanding of the business side of the industry. He frequently posts his home made dishes, and explains why he may choose this out-to-eat location over another.


Chaz has a lot of supporters and sponsors, and being available to them is an important part of that. Whether that is in person or live on video, Chaz has always been available to fans, and has also been loyal in his ways. Agree or disagree with The Chaz, you will get what he thinks, which is the foundation to his support.


Chaz does everything on his own, such as the filming, recording, editing, designing, networking, management, and coordination, is all conducted by the man himself. He also dabbles into the musical side of life, with songs in multiple genres, and has already released music videos in Hard Rock, Blues, and Rap.


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